Vėlių Namai
Vėlių Namai is a ritualistic dark-folk project with themes drawing from Baltic paganism, death, solitude, war, and the spirit world. As has been the case from the very beginning, it is only enacted in a ceremonial and ritualistic context.
The band was founded in 2006 by Julius Mitė, a Lithuanian musician based in Prague at that time. Most recently, what started as a solo endeavour evolved into a full line-up with the inclusion of guitarist Jokūbas Krasauskas and percussionist Gintaras Aleksandravičius. Prior to “Alkai”, Vėlių Namai released three albums: “Pasiklydę” (2009), “Laumių Šokis” (2016), and “Kúrir” (2018).
Vėlių Namai invites you to experience the darker side of nature, and of existence itself. Tread the trail of spirits - shrouded in mists and mysticism - and touch the other side. Visit your true home in the realm beyond.

Alkai, TS

Alkai, CD

Logo, TS